N7LXC Sites & Equipment Pictures with 442.550 Repeater / 145.570 / 146.540 Radios

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Bothell Health Care Site 442.550 Repeater & 145.570 remote base

Repeater site picture                Garden shed placement                   Ant Tree                                Looking East form site            Looking West from site

site1-a.jpg (147263 bytes)             site2-a.jpg (105127 bytes)                   site3 tree-a.jpg (136750 bytes)            site4 east-a.jpg (111358 bytes)            site5 west-a.jpg (121610 bytes)

        Tower Base                    Hut & Tower Base         Temp Tower & Ant      Temp Tower & Ant       

442-550 Tower base-1a.jpg (144228 bytes)            442-550 Tower base-2a.jpg (141054 bytes)            442-550 Tower-Ant-1a.jpg (155668 bytes)            442-550 Tower-Ant-3a.jpg (157883 bytes)


Cabinet Front        Cabinet Back

6 Hut cabinet open bulb heater on-a.jpg (147738 bytes)    442-550 Cabinet1 8-30-10-a.jpg (218831 bytes)

Shoreline Site West end of link across Mountains 145.570

Shoreline Ant                          Shoreline Radios                         

shoreline ant4-a with text.jpg (164938 bytes)            shoreline radios-a.jpg (90244 bytes)                                           

Skymeadows Upper Site East end of link across Mountains 146.540

 Skymeadows Shed               Skymeadows Ant                      Skymeadows Radios                 Skymeadows Radios                    Skymeadows 440 Ant                Skymeadows Link Hut

Sky Meadows upper 13a.jpg (176700 bytes)            Sky Meadows Ant.jpeg (63628 bytes)            Sky Meadows upper1a.jpg (105748 bytes)                Sky Meadows upper 2a.jpg (105817 bytes)                Sky Meadows upper 440 ant 6-a.jpg (307091 bytes)                Skymeadows  Link Hut2.jpg (177805 bytes)

Skymeadows Ranch  (lower) Site at Donald's Cabin 445.425/146.540 Cross-Band Radio

Need to take some pictures

Granite Falls Site North end of link 445.425/145.570 Cross-Band Radio

Need to get some pictures from Terry...

System Maps

                                                Bothell Repeater             Bothell-Shoreline            System East/West            How System works

air view of Bothell 442.550 rptr.jpg (108532 bytes)            air view of Bothell-Shoreline.jpg (117979 bytes)            air view of Link system.jpg (153917 bytes)              how the link works1-b.jpg (74865 bytes)


